Monday, 3 November 2014

Dear Ravi...

1200 hrs, 02 Nov 14
A tribute to a friend and a roommate…

Dear Ravi,

I’m sorry I couldn’t wake you up on time and you had to sweat in punishment for an hour. But thanks for waking me up on time always…

I’m sorry I didn’t save a little more juice for you after four hours of parade. But thanks for saving some for me always…

I’m sorry I wore your shoes today since mine looked shabby. But thanks for never complaining…

I’m sorry for staying up late on the phone and disturbing your sleep. But thanks for switching off the fan when I felt cold…

I’m sorry for sleeping before completing my assignments. But thanks for making them for me…

I’m sorry for playing my music in the room while you wanted to study. But thanks for keeping it low…

I’m sorry for always paying my dues a day later. But thanks for taking care of that...

I’m sorry you have two pairs of socks lesser in your stock. But they are with me…

I’m sorry I never even thought of a nickname for you. But thanks for making plenty for me…

I’m sorry I made you smoke your first cigarette. But thanks for stocking up for me…

I’m sorry I drank your share. But thanks for getting me home safe…

I’m sorry I never understood your love life. But thanks for sharing mine with me…

I’m sorry I forgot your birthday. But thanks for that smoke on mine just three days into AFTC when I had none…

I’m sorry but this doesn’t seem like a closure. But thanks for letting me try…

But today, I’m sad that you’re gone. But today, I’m slightly lost. But today, I’m slightly lesser. Because today, dear friend, is probably the only day you’ve let me down. And it’s your turn to say sorry…Do that sometime and we’ll call it even.

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